Not a Good Day for Twins

September 11, 2006

Yeah, you knew this was coming. This is Katrina’s tribute to September 11.

Oh, whatever should I say about the nasty event of five years ago today? Something patriotic? Nah. How I felt when it happened? I’ll get to that. Something about terrorism and war? Nope. Okay, might as well say what I did that day.
Continue reading “Not a Good Day for Twins”

And Finally…

August 31, 2006


As these 100 Days of Summer draw to a close, I reminisce about the events during these past three and a half months. Not many events. Kind of boring actually. Aside from the San Francisco trip, of course. That rocked. Definitely the high point of the year.

Also, I wonder what these final four months of 2006 will bring. You know, other than “What the hell?! This year is over already! It just started!” Sigh. Getting older sucks. I’m 23 now. I’ll probably be 60 sometime next week. Time is fast.

This week has been creepy as hell. For one, buses have been acting weird. Lots of breakdowns and massive lateness. Odd. My sister acted kind of strange yesterday evening. Plus a few other phenomena that would take a long time to explain. Oh, and I just came back from dinner to find a tomato sitting on my keyboard. It was delicious. Mmmm…. unexplained tomato.

Furthermore, on this 100th Day of Summer, I seem to have a hit a wall. It’s like what little plans I had with my life these days have come to a sudden and indefinite halt. For one, I found out today my job will be ending in three weeks. Damn. I was hoping to stay there full time. Oh, well. Plus a few other disappointing, bubble-bursting things today that I don’t want to get into. Le sigh.

But, upon midnight tonight, the 100 Days of Summer are officially over for this year, to return on May 24 of next year for Round 7. Also, at midnight tonight, Science Village turns two years old. 😀

This has been Day 100 of the 100 Days of Summer, Round 6.

Grocery Store

July 14, 2006

So I’m at Safeway this morning picking up a couple of things for lunch before I head on over to work. The grocery store is surprisingly busy for 7:30am. Not packed or anything, but a few dozen people I’d say. It’s more evident since so early they only have one cashier open. And there’s always a long ass line.

Ever see this crap? You’re standing in this long line waiting to buy like two items, and the cashier, the only cashier, is taking forever. Sometimes it is his/her own fault. Other times it’s the customer being a dumbass. It’s usually the cashier, though. Either way, you glance over and see like five employees just standing around chatting. Your line is reaching practically to the back of the store, and these assholes are just clucking away mindlessly at each other.
Continue reading “Grocery Store”

The Fifty Fifty

July 12, 2006

It is July 12.

Tonight at midnight is the famed halfway point of the 100 Days of Summer.

High noon. Halfway there. The peak. Fifty days gone, fifty to go.

Now, looking forward, the downward run. Down, down, down, until at last it is August 31.

Well, since I’m not in school anymore, it has lost a bit of its mystique, but meh. Tradition is a tradition, it’s cool on its own by now. So let’s just say counting down to the second anniversary of Science Village, on September 1. Remember Science Village? Shit, I have to get on that. Oh, well.

Midnight tonight, fifty days to go.

Oh, and if my great-grandfather were alive, he would turn 120 today. Hehehe. It’s also the birthday of a friend of mine from college. Haven’t seen him since then, but he turns 26 today. Happy Birthday, man!

This has been Day 50 of the 100 Days of Summer, Round 6.

The Quarter

June 17, 2006

We are now one quarter of the way through the sixth round of the 100 Days of Summer. Today is Day 25.

What in the heck is the 100 Days of Summer?!

Hehe. I suppose some of you may have been wondering about the new category as well as the little notice adorning the bottoms of the past several entries. You see, the 100 Days of Summer is a tradition of mine, since the original back in 2001. It begins May 24 and ends August 31.
Continue reading “The Quarter”

It’s Nobody’s Fault It Rained

June 5, 2006

But it’s your own damn fault for being a dumbass.

Yes, you are a dumbass for a vast, vast, vast number of reasons I don’t have the life expectancy to get into, so let’s just delve into the one I’m thinking of.

How often have you complained or heard someone complain about the weather forecast? Every once in a while, some cretin will come along and for some unknown God forsaken reason will think it is at all original or humorous to bitch that the meteorologists were wrong.

“Why do they get paid for being wrong? Why are they such liars? I’d get fired if I were so inaccurate at my job! I hate weather forecasters! Can’t rely on them! I wish they wouldn’t bother reporting!”
Continue reading “It’s Nobody’s Fault It Rained”


March 23, 2006

A couple of days ago, we were sort of expecting snow. Cool. Go read my Snow Rules rant to know more about how I feel about that.

Anyway, I should perhaps have reread the rant myself, as every year I am actually surprised at how the media react to even the remote possibility of snow. Even if the situation is like it was in this case. We had just gotten out of a week of 80 degree weather. On the day in question, the temperature was not supposed to drop below 35. Yet, the news had this to say.

“People are rushing out to the stores to get milk, bread, and toilet paper!”
Continue reading “Catastrophe!”


March 5, 2006

What’s the difference between Budapest and a Nazi all-male brothel?


Budapest is full of Hungarians while the brothel is full of hung Aryans.

😀 :cute:


January 18, 2006

I spent the last couple of days helping my employer pack stuff up for their move to a new office. Not that far away. Just four floors up from where they were before. But, as my odd jobs often do, it got me thinking about all kinds of crap. About moving, of course. Well, I thought about other stuff too, but that stuff is none of your damn business. 😛
Continue reading “Moving”

This is Eight Mine Fortress

December 28, 2005

Welcome. This is Eight Mine Fortress. I’m Katrina. You may remember me as having created such websites as Tomato World and Science Village, and I wrote every single thing on this happy little website. I like it. Serves as a nice depository for my old written gems, my new ones, and whatever the hell else I stick on here. Look around. You’ll figure it out.

Anyway, you’re probably wondering how I came up with such a name. Eight Mine Fortress. Just what is that? Well, much of what gets churned out and posted on this site took lots of thinking. When I think, I like to play a game, and that game is almost invariably Minesweeper. I play it not so much for best times, although I do sometimes. I play for the numbers. I play for the more elusive numbers trapped in squares surrounded by lots of mines. Sevens are fascinating in and of themselves. Always a treat to open one of them, particular in Expert (as opposed to the same-dimensioned but higher mine density custom fields I play). Yet the Seven always pales in comparison to the wondrous joy that is opening an Eight.

Elusive Eight. Trapped on all sides by mines, touches no other number. That’s what I play for, and that’s what I think for. Whether the pleasant occasion of seeing Eight or the light bulb in my head when I get a damn good idea, it is rare and great.

Although, perhaps a better answer in regards to why this site is named Eight Mine Fortress is because, well, I just felt like it!

Oh, did I mention that my nickname for an Eight in Minesweeper is a Fortress? Well, it is.