Hail to the Redskins!!!

January 1, 2006


Redskins! Redskins! Redskins! Redskins! Redskins!

Washington Redskins are going to the playoffs! Lead ’em on, Gibbs! Lead ’em to victory!

And just so we’re clear, let’s get a few things straight. The Washington Redskins are the best team in the NFL. Even when they suck (which they often do) they’re still the greatest football team ever.

The Dallas Cowboys, on the other hand, are the worst team in the NFL, even when they are doing great, they still fucking suck and need to just die. They are the bad guys. They must always be defeated. I hope the Rams butt them into oblivion tonight. As my father taught me to say to my uncle when I was 3 years old: “Dallas sucks!”

They suck so much that I shall rant about them in more depth later on.

Anyway, to review. If you like the Washington Redskins, you rule and are an awesome person. If you like the Dallas Cowboys, you’re a worthless sack of shit. Plain and simple.

Oh, and Happy New Year everybody!