Moral Dilemma

April 14, 2006

So I was on my way home from work today. I got on the bus and set my jacket and bag down on a seat while reaching into my pocket to get some change to pay the fare. While getting the necessary dollar and quarter, I look at the seat next to my bag, and what should I see, but a bus transfer. For today. Good until 8pm. If I just took it, and pretended I had just pulled it out of my bag or something, I wouldn’t have to pay and would get a free ride!

But no. I’m just not so dishonest. That’s stealing. Stealing from my already stinking rich county is still stealing. Sure, I partake in other activities that could qualify as stealing depending on how you look at it. But no. I shouldn’t just take the transfer.

Now had I been out of money at the moment and wouldn’t have been able to pay, I might have taken it. I had lots of change though. I didn’t need it. Felt bad for whoever lost it, though. Would have to pay their fare again if they still needed a ride. 🙁

So I just paid my fare and got my own transfer.

Then came the next part of this. What to do about this transfer lying on the seat. A free ride sitting there idly. Turn it in to the driver, perhaps?

Nah. I’m certainly not THAT goody-two-shoes. 😉

Instead, I just left it there for the next lucky person to find it. Probably the woman that came and sat there after a few stops. Or someone else. Who knows? I did the right thing. 😀

Call it my Good Friday Good Deed or something. Whatever.

5 thoughts on “Moral Dilemma”

  1. You dumbass! The person was probably finished riding for the day and left it there as a gesture of kindness to the next person. I would totally do that.

    Even if that didn’t happen, how the fuck is it stealing? That person isn’t going to be able to use it anymore? You shoulda taken it. Shit, I would’ve. You are now a wuss. 🙂

  2. Rich country? Where do you really live?
    America just LIVES like it’s rich.

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