DC Curfew

October 15, 2007

You know, I’ve lived in the DC area my whole life, and one thing I’m utterly ashamed of about Washington DC is that the city has a youth curfew. Curfews mean the city is unsafe. Curfews also make the city unsafe.

The law in DC is that no one under the age of 17 is allowed outside after 11pm. The city officials made this law believing that this would convince city residents they are doing something about crime. How exactly is scapegoating a group of innocent people going to stop crime? You’re just blaming it on people that everybody already hates.
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Hillary Clinton et al

October 8, 2007

Just one question for her. Who the hell does she think she is?

I’m talking to her. I’m talking to Tipper Gore. I’m talking to Elizabeth Dole. I’m talking to the rest of their ilk.

Women in power, awesome. But these women in power? Fail. Women like them make all women look bad.

What the hell is your big problem with youth culture? Or youth in general? It seems every time you open your mouth, it’s to decry the “horrors” of video games or music or the inevitable irresponsibility of young people. Even your daughter called you out on that crap!
Continue reading “Hillary Clinton et al”

Kiefer Sutherland

September 29, 2007

Did you hear he got in trouble for DUI and probation violation and all that crap?

Oh, this is sweet.

I hate that guy.

A few years ago, I saw him on Letterman, and he was discussing his 16-year-old stepdaughter and how she was learning to drive. His comment? “Sixteen-year-olds just should not be driving. Not just her. All of them.”

To which he received rounding applause.

Sure, he can pretend to be some kind of voice of reason for driving when talking about 16-year-olds and acting like they’re all incompetent just because of their age, but where is all this when it comes to his own driving habits? He thinks a 16-year-old should not drive because she is too dumb to think correctly about it just because of her age, yet he’s the idiot who drives while drunk?!

So nice to see this really. He makes a stupid ageist comment on late night TV, only for his actions to prove he’s a hypocritical moron.

Basically, Kiefer, you’re a dick. You’ve got no place pointing any fingers at those younger than you while getting behind the wheel after consuming alcohol. I hope they throw the book at you and ruin your career over it.

Muvico’s Modern Segregation

September 28, 2007

This article is a little old now, but still worth discussing.

Muvico Makes Adults Only Theater

Can you believe that? For those who didn’t feel like reading it, or were suffering too much from a rapidly melting brain which tends to happen when exposed to such high levels of astounding idiocy, basically the Muvico movie theater company is planning to set aside one screen in their facilities for just people 21 and over.
Continue reading “Muvico’s Modern Segregation”

Underage Drinking

August 26, 2007

I was on my way back from upstate New York earlier today and was riding through Harrisburg, PA. There I saw a big ass billboard. I was eating my lunch at the time, but seeing this made me lose my appetite quickly.

Report Underage Drinking!

What?! Oh, yeah, I’m just going to rush right out and get some innocent 19 and 20-year-olds in trouble with the law because I feel like being a self-righteous cretin and utilizing a law created because a bunch of irrational mothers in the 1980’s sobbed in front of Congress enough about their dead children so now everyone 18-20, legal adults mind you, would be considered criminals for partaking in an activity that would be perfectly okay if they were only a couple years older.
Continue reading “Underage Drinking”

The Naked Double Standard

June 26, 2007

Nope, this isn’t a male-female thing. Not really anyway. Probably also noticed I categorized this under Youth Rights. Where could I be going with this? Just one of very many gripes I have on the subject of the objectification of children.

I also want to take this time to say that, considering the subject matter of this entry, if I catch any disgusting search phrases reaching this or any other page on this site that, well, let’s just say consider children in a less-than-innocent way, I’ll be publicly posting your IP address and any information a whois lookup of it will provide. You won’t find that crap here and any place you can find it can go to hell. Sick bastards.

Anyway, let’s move on. Objectification of children! What does that have to do with being naked? Oh, the examples are all over.
Continue reading “The Naked Double Standard”

What’s the Use?

April 23, 2007

Seriously. It is disgusting.

Here we are, NYRA, trying to make some kind of difference for young people. Youth are treated like shit in our society, and nobody cares. Hell, they want it to happen. They want it to keep happening and to a greater extent.

I know anyone who is reading this already agrees, but screw it, I’m saying it anyway. YOU are the problem! YOU are destroying the world!
Continue reading “What’s the Use?”

Hey, Pensacola!

February 20, 2007

Was checking my site logs and happened upon a couple of referrals from the Pensacola News Journal. Sigh. It’s so typical.


Basically, a couple of guys figured they’d bring up the topic of youth rights to the happy little denizens of the news journal forums. Not surprisingly, they weren’t well received. They stated their case (somewhat) coolly, only to be met with know-it-all attitudes and patriarchal pandering. Again, not surprising.
Continue reading “Hey, Pensacola!”

Teenagers, Oh My!

January 31, 2007

I know this is two in a row now, but here’s another set of people who seriously should…


These whiny parents and grandparents who feel like they just have to make the same tired “joke” about the “ordeal” it is when their children are teenagers.

“Oh, kids are great, but then they become teenagers!”
“Wait until your kids are teenagers, then you’ll feel sorry for all the horrible things you did at that age.”
“Have teens around makes you age very fast!”

Continue reading “Teenagers, Oh My!”