I Met Chip

December 2, 2006

That’s right, folks. Today, I met NYRA forums crazy guy Chip Sinton. Also known as Sudburykid.

Chip is cool. He’s so cool that everyone else looks so not cool next to him.

It was like an early Christmas present to meet the famous Chip.

Oh, and he bought us food, which also rocks.

Chip kicks ass.

Okay, Chip, there’s your requested entry. 😛

Okay, Now It’s Christmastime

December 1, 2006

Well, I’m a bit late. It’s been Christmastime for over a week now. I just waited until now to say anything because, meh, felt like it. Started around noon on Thanksgiving to be exact, specifically when Santa Claus shows up in the Macy’s Parade. At that point, I put on my traditional Christmas pin. It’s of Santa Claus climbing a giant candy cane. It’s cool. :b:

So Merry Christmas.

Okay, you’ll be hearing that from me a lot more than this. Because I’m not one of these gay ranting sites that for some reason shuts down in December.:cute:

On the other hand, I shall post something here every single day of December! My little compensation for you. You need it. Your life sucks.

But better late than really damn early like my rant from five months ago.

Anyway, I’ll post something on this site every day in December. If I can’t come up with something for here, I’ve got some shit to post in the other sections, which have gone somewhat ignored since last spring, except for Croatan 2006 in Miscellaneous, which rocks balls. But even so, there’s a LOT of shit about Christmas time that’s worth rants. And not the same old crap you hear everywhere else.

So that is my present to you. Because I’m just cool like that.