I’m still here! Just hit a wall. Got a lot of stuff to backdate. Meh.
Anyway, hey, look what day it is…
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
![Day 100](/smilies/sun.gif)
Round 15 ended with a lot of things looking hopeful, and the final four months of 2015 continued this trend. Then this asshole of a year began and things looked bleak, personally and for the world at large. But things are kind of swinging better again.
Day 5: Nationals game! After walking all the way there from Gallery Place because screw the crowded Green Line platform. Just to see them lose to the Cardinals.
Day 11: Well, that was an annoying day that rendered a lot of the previous days’ hassle pointless. -_-
Day 12: No more delays. Just book them.
Day 13: I wonder if the complication has passed. Still can’t tell.
Day 23: When people send you something liquid in a container that very clearly is not meant to hold liquid. :irked:
Day 26: Top of the World Trade Center, at long last. 😀
Day 31: UK voters, WTF are you doing?!
Day 33: Pizza!
Day 36: I feel so invaded.
Day 39: Well, the switch seems to have taken effect. Anyway, off to BWI to fly to Las Vegas for some reason.
Day 40: M&Ms Star Wars glasses. Your argument is invalid.
Day 42: Flying home across the country on its special night, it sparkled below me. 🙂
Day 43: TSA opened my suitcase and didn’t close the damn outer pocket when they were done.
Day 48: I just booked another one! Also, chili.
Day 49: Dairy Queen and Imagine.
Day 50: Meh.
Day 51: I think I just set something in motion.
Day 58: Republican Party, WTF are you doing?
Day 61: Rewatching Big Hero 6!
Day 69: Something about the Newseum, yucca fries, and a Canadian.
Day 73: Book the damn thing already.
Day 74: Booked! Also, Olympics! 😀
Day 75: Reading “Albus and Scorpius’s Excellent Adventure”.
Day 81: I do not have enough middle fingers for I-95 traffic in the sweltering heat.
Day 82: Connecticut!
Day 83: Yale Peabody Museum!
Day 88: What is this? Is this an Olympic event? Oh, it’s rhythmic gymnastics. I guess.
Day 89: Mmmm, Indian food.
Day 90: Aww, Olympics are over. But Japanese PM traveled from Tokyo to Rio de Janeiro via Mario pipe. Your argument is invalid.
Day 96: Atlanta! Theme is Turner and aquatic life and lovely Olympic park at night. And way overpriced revolving restaurant in hotel I laughed nervously at and backed away slowly.
Day 97: Atlanta still! This time the theme is civil rights, Southern cuisine, and Coke. And back to the gigantic airport to return home.
Day 99: New roof, I guess.
Day 100: Went to dinner with some people but otherwise unremarkable. But a quiet ending to a truly remarkable run.
As these 100 Days of Summer draw to a close in a turbulent year, though leap years have a way of being turbulent as 2008 and 2012 certainly were, I wonder what is in store for the final four months. I have at least two more trips ahead, as well as a couple other tasks. I wonder what will become of some of what complicated the earlier part of the year. I wonder and hope that this year that began so rough can turn around and be pretty great in the end. Sour and then sweet, like that candy.
Well, I close the book on this round of the 100 Days of Summer, to do it once again for some reason on May 24, 2017, in whatever form the world will be in then. And given how things look, “whatever form” is right!
This has been Day 100 of the 100 Days of Summer, Round 16.