So I was at the grocery store earlier getting some food and avoiding going home to cringe at the Redskins game. I’m in the holiday aisle with a crapton of Christmas goodies, though not quite as much as they had last week. Despite the obvious fact Christmas hasn’t actually gotten here yet.
And what to my wondering eyes should appear, occupying just one little area but present nonetheless… Easter candy.
Seriously! Three days before Christmas, and the Easter candy is out.
Know when Easter is in 2014? April 20. It’s going to be one late ass Easter this coming year. And stuff for it is appearing already.
Mary’s not even two centimeters dilated and we’re already planning her son’s crucifixion.
Though one could argue it’s fitting, as Christmas/Winter Solstice celebrations all come down to promising that Easter/Vernal Equinox will come. If four months away still. If the (freakishly warm) Winter Solstice was only yesterday.
Already there are the Peeps. Already there are the Reese’s Peanut Butter Eggs. Already there are Cadbury Creme Eggs…
I’m okay with this.
>”Mary’s not even two centimeters dilated and we’re already planning her son’s crucifixion.”