Now for a celebratory session of…
Here’s to You!
So I raise my glass and say, “Here’s to you, Eight Mine Fortress!”
That’s right, folks. Today the Fortress is one year old! Began with Sure, Why Not? entry This Is Eight Mine Fortress, Miscellaneous short story Crisis in the Pool, NYRA Tales song parody 88 Lines about 44 NYRA Forums Members, and Goodies Reposted list Top 10 List: Computer. And from there it went. Crowd pleasing. Pissing off self-righteous idiots. Opening Eights. Raising my glass in a toast to stuff that is awesome. Calling out stuff that sucks for how much it sucks. Sacred decrees. Chasing buses. All kinds of good shit.
So hang on tight. You’re in for another year. 😀
In a couple of weeks, SnipeMe turns 3. But it’s not potty trained yet… still shitting all over everyone and everything 😆
Oh ya, and since my site’s older than your site, that means my site will come beat up your site on the playground and take your site’s lunch money! PWN3D!