I hereby decree….
All music CDs must come with the complete and legible lyrics to every song on the disc.
Because, damn it, I’m so sick of finding CDs that don’t come with them.
It’s like, I buy a new CD. I play it. Good stuff! Now maybe I can finally find out what the hell the singer is actually saying in that great song! Oh, no! I take out the cover slip from the jewel case to find… no lyrics! Instead, I often find some pictures of the band or some nonsense phrases written in it (which aren’t in any of the songs), or maybe just copyright info and acknowledgements. Yes, because I really give a shit that the bassist would like to thank his parents for his success.
Or I might open up the slip to find it has lyrics to like one song. Well, that’s not the one I wanted the words to. Shit, I was able to figure out the words to that song quite easily. Singer didn’t mumble so much that time. Maybe I’m lucky to get that much. They sometimes pick like one or two lines of each song to put up there and that’s it. Aw, hell, I knew those lines! Give me something I don’t know. I can’t understand a word of that fucking second verse. What are you saying? Is it Nazi propaganda? That wouldn’t really match the rest of the song or any other songs by that artist, but, shit, it could be for all I know. I don’t want to sing along to that! :scared: 😆
Or, or! They might have at least some of the lyrics, but they felt it would be cute to hand write them even though their handwriting sucks ass. So here I am squinting trying to figure out if a letter is a d or a b. Maybe it’s a q or a y or a v? Damn, this is hard.
Well, I want the lyrics, so now I got to search online for some. I find a good lyrics site. Crap. It’s ridden with ads, spyware, and links begging me to download that song and thousands of others for free. Ah, no. I just bought the fucking song legitimately. Leave me alone.
Then you get to a point where two different lyrics sites say something different for the same song, and from what you can gather from listening to the song, either one could work. Case in point, “Hero of the Day” by Metallica. Is it “Please excuse me while I tend to how I feel” or is it “Please excuse me while I tell them how I feel”? I’m not sure. I happen to be a proud owner of a copy of Metallica’s “Load”. I would probably know for sure what the correct line is… if the fucking CD came with a fucking lyric book! 😡
And then there’s the fact I heard the greedy-ass RIAA might start going after these lyrics sites for copyright infringement. Well, if they printed the fucking lyrics with their CDs, this probably wouldn’t be so much of a fucking issue, you dumb ass pricks!
In fact, this all gives me an idea. As a service to those of you nice enough to read my insane ramblings, here is a treat. Here I will name every CD in my house (or at least ones I can get my hands on at the moment) and tell you its status as far as lyrics content. Let’s begin.
Lennon Legend – The Very Best of John Lennon
Nope! No lyrics. Just a bunch of pictures of him. Wait, what’s this? Copyright 1997. Shit. John, whoever put together this compilation screwed your fans out of your lyrics. You should haunt their evil asses.
U2 – War
Lyrics for only six of the ten tracks: Sunday Bloody Sunday, Seconds, New Year’s Day, Drowning Man, Like a Song, and Surrender. Want to know the lyrics to Two Hearts Beat As One? Well, you’re out of luck.
Collective Soul – Collective Soul
Yes! Contains full lyrics to all twelve songs! Collective Soul kicks ass! :banana:
REM – Eponymous
No lyrics! Grrr. Just a quick blurb saying what original album of theirs each song came from. That and some pic of someone staring blankly with the words They Airbrushed My Face going across. I have no idea what that’s about.
Collective Soul – Disciplined Breakdown
Yay! Full lyrics, totally typed legibly. Again, go Collective Soul. Ooh. It even says on the last page the album was recorded in a cabin. Cool.
Collective Soul – Dosage
Damn, these guys are so nice. Another album complete with all the lyrics. Well, it doesn’t have the lyrics to the song hidden on Track 11 with Crown, but if they told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now would it?
Live – Throwing Copper
Full lyrics, great. Except it’s handwritten. I hate that.
Metallica – Load
No, wait. I was wrong before. There are lyrics with this album. How about that now! Well, handwritten and abbreviated! As for Hero of the Day, they do not include the line in question. So it remains a mystery for I don’t know how long. How long? My guess is until Chris or Alex sees this and leaves a comment telling me which it is. 😉
Presidents of the United States of America – II
Woo hoo! Full lyrics. Even though I only bought this album for Mach 5. Meh.
Metallica – Metallica (you know, that all black one with the snake, has Enter Sandman and the Unforgiven on it)
We have lyrics! All of them. Whole songs. Yay! Why couldn’t you guys remember this when you made Load? Grrr.
The Turtles – 20 Greatest Hits
No lyrics. Oh, well. But, hey, at least it’s pretty easy to figure the lyrics to Happy Together already, right?
Dishwalla – Pet Your Friends
D’oh! No lyrics. Jeeze, maybe if they’d accompanied this with some lyrics for good old Counting Blue Cars, people wouldn’t have forgotten about them so fast. Hehe.
Elton John – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Lyrics for it all! Good going, Elton. This almost makes up for your shitty rendition of Circle of Life. Yeah, maybe you wrote the song in the first place, but your version sucks. The one at the opening of The Lion King kicks major fucking ass!
Depeche Mode – Violator
Full lyrics on Violator! Yay for Depeche Mode!
Oasis – What’s the Story, Morning Glory?
Lyrics, ahoy! Oasis is good. Oasis is good.
Oasis – Definitely Maybe
No, wait. No lyrics on this one. Oasis is only sometimes good. Oasis is only sometimes good.
REM – Automatic for the People
Bah! Devoid of lyrics. Just some dumb pictures of the band. Yes, Michael Stipe is bald. I don’t care. I’d like to decipher that scramble in the chorus of The Sidewinder Sleeps Tonite. Is it callmewhenyoutrytowakeherup? Something like that.
REM – Murmur
No lyrics. Damn, REM is not a band you want to like if you want lyrics! Meh, don’t buy this album. I only got it because I wanted the normal version of Radio Free Europe, because the one on Eponymous is different.
REM – Monster
No lyrics. Just an obscure list of phrases that probably have some abstract meaning but I don’t feel like finding out what.
REM – Green
Oh, goody. Complete lyrics… to World Leader Pretend and nothing else. Sigh.
The Police – Synchronicity
Lyrics! Yay!
U2 – Achtung Baby
Lyrics here! 😀
U2 – Pop
Lyrics here, too. Wow, U2 is good about it. Glad they’ve made up for short changing fans of their War album.
Seal – Seal
No lyrics. Just looks like a story or something. And a close up of Seal’s face. Yeesh!
The Saint – Soundtrack
No lyrics. Meh. And I so wanted to know the lyrics to The Saint Theme or Daft Punk’s “Da Funk”. Hehehe.
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
Seek the lyrics to Time, Money, Us and Them, and Eclipse, and ye shall find. Pink Floyd rocks!!!
REM – Out of Time
Sigh. Why do I even check REM CDs? They’re really making me lose my religion. :cute:
Top Gun – Soundtrack
Wow, there’s even lyrics in this one. Great.
U2 – Joshua Tree
Like the other U2 stuff, this has lyrics. Although Where the Streets Have No Name, Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, With or Without You, and Bullet the Blue Sky shouldn’t be too hard to figure out on your own anyway.
Smashing Pumpkins – Siamese Dream
Well, it has the lyrics in there. Technically. If you can decipher the horrible mess they are written in there as. Yeesh!
The Verve Pipe – Villains
For the life of me, I cannot believe we’d never die for these sins. We were merely freshmen. How do I know those are the words? The lyrics for The Freshmen and the other songs on that CD are provided!
Collective Soul – 7even Year Itch
And their compilation has complete lyrics as well. Ha! I knew they weren’t my favorite band for nothing.
Lifehouse – No Name Face
It’s got lyrics! And despite what some misguided souls might think, that line in Hanging by a Moment is “I’m running and not quite sure where to go” not “I’m running and I question where to go”. CD lyrics are the ultimate authority on that!
Weezer – Weezer (Green)
Nope. No lyrics. Just a pic of them in concert. Sigh.
Weezer – Maladroit
Yes! Lyrics! Released only a year after the Green album. Nice change!
Sting & the Police – The Very Best of Sting & the Police
No, lyrics. Hard to come by in compilations, I suppose.
The Beatles – One
Again, a compilation without lyrics, despite how fucking thick the booklet is. Wow.
U2 – All That You Can’t Leave Behind
They continue to provide. More lyrics!
Gin Blossoms – Outside Looking In
No lyrics. Oh, well.
Peter Gabriel – Shaking the Tree
Ah, here we go. Look at the thickness of that booklet. Oh, my, how does it even fit in the jewel case, it’s so thick? Let’s open up, because I’m just trying so hard to decipher the last verse of Solsbury Hill. Now let’s turn through the pages. Turning, turning… What the fuck?! No lyrics! I flipped through all that and there’s no lyrics. Damn it to hell. Maybe Peter doesn’t want to have to write out the gibberish that seems to inexplicably show up during the closings of all of his songs.
Stone Temple Pilots – Tiny Music: Songs from a Vatican Gift Shop
All the lyrics in a very nice poster-like setting when you unfold the CD slip. Yay.
Stone Temple Pilots – Purple
Hmm. Lyrics are there but handwritten. You’d think Scott Weiland would know better. If he had lyrics for songs by the Eagles, he would have known it wasn’t “flies in the vasoline”. And maybe he’d have spelled “vaseline” correctly. Or was it changed because of copyright issues with the makers of that lubricant? Either way, give the guy a break. He was obviously high, and Vasoline ain’t a bad song.
The Beatles – Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
Why, yes, I did enjoy your show, and Rita the meter maid sounds just lovely. I’m glad to hear it’s getting better. And I do picture myself on a boat on a river quite a bit. Good suggestion. Best of all, thank you for having a lyric book.
Supertramp – Breakfast in America
“Take a look at my girlfriend. She’s the only one I got. Not much of a girlfriend, I never seem to get a lot.” Hehehe. Sounds like something a significant other of mine would be whining about. Yes, there’s lyrics. Yay!
They Might Be Giants – A User’s Guide
No lyrics, but they’ve got lots of other cool shit in the slip as it is. Every tour date they’ve ever had. The names of every song they’ve made. A timeline from the beginning of time pertaining to a song on that album. Great CD! But no lyrics, so it’ll only get an A++, no third plus. Tsk, tsk.
Collective Soul – Youth
Lyrics! Yep. Keep it up, guys!
The Cure – Disintegration
Has lyrics! Kyle was right. “Disintegration is the best album ever!” Damn, that was a great episode. First episode I ever saw, too.
Cake – Fashion Nugget
No lyrics. For shame. Otherwise, good CD.
Vertical Horizon – Everything You Want
Got lyrics!
Okay, that’s all my CDs. I think. I might have overlooked a couple. Whatever. I’ve been putting this list together for a while now, and I’m tired. I was going to wander around the house in search of CDs belonging to my dad and my sister, but I don’t feel like it. Screw it. Anyway, if you’re thinking about buying any of the above CDs, then I’m glad to have informed you of any included lyrics or horrible lack thereof. I’ve done my good deed. What have YOU done recently that was so great? That’s right. Nothing. Now get your ass out into the world and do something cool. You can start by donating some money to NYRA. Poor Alex is starving. 🙁
Gah, CDs with no lyrics in them drive me mad as well. I’ve got some albums without lyrics (mainly compilations) and that pisses me off. >_> At least my newest album (Switchfoot – Nothing is Sound) comes with a full lyrics set! 😀
Yay! :b:
Yeah! I